During one magical week in November 2018, we celebrated Monell’s 50th Anniversary with a series of exciting events, and we’d like to share some of the photos with you. Scroll and enjoy the three slideshows below!
Identifying Treatments for Taste and Smell Disorders Conference
In partnership with the University of Florida Center for Smell and Taste and the Rocky Mountain Taste and Smell Center, we hosted a first-of-its-kind taste and smell disorders conference.
Identifying Treatments for Taste and Smell Disorders (ITTSD for short) included invited scientific talks from experts, student short talks, and patient stories all about treatments for taste and smell disorders. The conference brought scientists, clinicians, and patients together to discuss these conditions and educate each other.
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Double Tasty: Dinner and a Show
After the second day of the ITTSD conference, we held a dinner to celebrate Monell’s 50th anniversary. Guests enjoyed a special chemosensory-themed four-course small plates dinner created by Chef Daniel Stern of R2L, one of Philly’s best restaurants, with a sprinkling of appetizing science by Monell scientists.
After dinner, there was an interactive presentation by Nicola Twilley and Cynthia Graber, hosts of Gastropod, an award-winning podcast that looks at food through the lenses of science and history.
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50th Birthday Celebration
No birthday party would be complete without a birthday cake, and we had 50 candles on ours! Monell alumni, friends, and staff gathered for a series of presentations and personal reflections on Monell’s founding and its major achievements during the past 50 years.
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